
Radio Programs

With Carrie Abbott and her program “Relationship Insights”

Combating a Culture of Death with Life
March 11, 2021

Embryo Adoption Popularity
July 29, 2019

A Miracle Birth Story
December 20, 2017

A Miraculous Life Story
September 11, 2015

Embryo Adoption and Twins
May 15, 2015

Loss to Joy
March 2, 2015

Miracle Baby
December 2, 2014

The Gift of Sons
June 13, 2014

News Stories – Domestic

What you should know about frozen embryo adoption
January 19, 2018 – The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Pathway2Family Featured Article: Do You Have Embryos in Frozen Storage?
June 29, 2017 – Embryo Adoption Awareness Center

‘Adopted’ embryo program produces new style extended families
May 19, 2017 – Science Daily

A New Last Chance
November 17, 2017 – The Cut

Is Adoption the Answer to Unused Frozen Embryos?
January 6, 2017 – Deseret News – Salt Lake City, UT

Baby born in China from human embryo frozen 18 years ago
June 30, 2016 – – South China Morning Post – China

How Women Over 50 are Getting Pregnant
June 2,2016 – Ozy Magazine – Maria Lancaster story featured

Why more people are trying to get pregnant with donated frozen embryos.
May 9, 2016 – Vox

Christina Bancroft and her frozen embryo transfer
May 5, 2016 – Red Raider Radio

Here’s how it works when a couple adopts through our Christian embryo bank
April 21, 2016 – The Washington Post

CU Study: Insurance for Single Embryo InVitro Fertilization Preferred
April 13, 2016 – The Denver Post

‘Snowflake’ Babies Help Some Couples Start a New Family
November, 2014

CNN: Couple Shares Embryo Donation Story
February 20, 2013

Soul on Ice – Dr. Joe Fuiten
November 9, 2012

Embryo Adoption Video Wins National Telly Award for Excellence-by Tricia Manning-Smith
June 12, 2012

Parents Using Embryo Adoption Get a Thanksgiving Baby
November 21, 2011

Celebration of Our “Firstborn Baby” at Cedar Park Church
September 19, 2010

Seattle Times video with the Lancaster Family
November 20, 2008

Bothell Church Begins Embryo Adoption Service
November 14, 2008 – Seattle Weekly & KOMO Staff – Seattle

News Stories – International

Elisha and the Seattle Times