19 Nov 7 years and 50 babies! Grateful!
7th Anniversary Edition. 7 Years, 50 babies. 15 on the way!
This month we celebrate our 7th Anniversary. We went back into our archives and pulled the Seattle Times front page news, with our daughter Elisha on the front cover. It’s always good to go back and reflect on the goodness of God and his help in all our endeavors. Embryo adoption, is a miracle for our families seeking to adopt embryos. This article went viral and many born babies are the result of this publication. We want to thank all our volunteers, employees, social workers, and countless others that have worked so hard, to make a dream come true for our families.
-Maria Lancaster C0-founder/President
Elisha Lancaster holds the Seattle Times article of herself on the front page. Elisha was the first baby born in Washington State, adopted as a frozen embryo in 2002.
Cedar Park Assembly of God Church in Bothell is starting a new “embryo adoption” service, where couples who have gone through in vitro fertilization donate any remaining embryos to infertile couples. While that practice is, in itself, not particularly controversial, the question of what’s to be done with some 400,000 frozen embryos in storage nationwide…
READ the Seattle Times article from November 20, 2008
We are thankful to all of our families that donated their remaining embryos to our families that so desired to have a child. 50 dreams came true because of you!
A special “Thank You” to the families that donated their remaining embryos, to those struggling with infertility and childlessness. You made a difference for a family that will last for endless generations. May God bless you and your family, for the efforts and thoughtfulness you extended to help another family become parents, and have their dreams come true.
We want to wish all of our friends and family, a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! May your day be blessed with the kindness and goodness of the Lord.
November 25th is Embryo Adoption Awareness Day Spread the word!
Oh give thanks unto the Lord: for he is good: His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:1
“Everyone shall stand in awe and confess the greatness of the miracle of God…. They will realize what amazing things He does.” Psalm 64:9