20 Mar April and Michael tell their unique story.
God does some amazing things!
When the best way isn’t the “normal” way!
I was adopted into my current family almost two decades ago, so it would be natural to think that when it came to building my own family, I would not be as rigid on how it happened. Instead, I saw this as my chance to finally be “normal.” I just wanted to be a regular person having a regular family the regular way.
So when we realized pregnancy on our own was not an option, it took me years before I was ready to look at other routes to parenthood. I had to let go of the dream I had of a “normal” life, and it was not easy for me to surrender that. Once I did, it became so exciting to explore all the wonderful ways there are to build a family.
And when we found out about embryo adoption, everything just clicked.
I like to say that it is the best of both worlds, because we get the incredible privilege of adopting embryos AND the amazing experience of pregnancy. It has also been the complication of both worlds, because we got the endless paperwork of the adoption process and the frustration of fertility treatments. And it is the greatest miracle in our world!
We used an adoption agency (EASCP) in Washington state, (Here’s the link) a generous family in the United Kingdom, with embryos stored in Boston, that had to be transported to us, in New Orleans. We were literally all over the map–about as far from normal as you can get! And although this experience has been anything but “normal,” we wouldn’t have it any other way!
“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” ~ Ephesians 3:20, The Message
I love that God was patient with me, allowing me the time to grieve the loss of my original dream so that I could fully embrace this wonderful joy. It truly is infinitely better than anything I could have dreamed or imagined.
If you find yourself in a similar situation, it is ok to be disappointed that things aren’t going the way you planned. Be honest with God and tell him how you feel. But the sooner you lay down your way, He can lead you to the wonderful way He has in store. I promise it’s worth it…and I hope you’ll remind me of this when I start getting upset about the next thing in my life that isn’t going according to plan! April and Michael
Stay tuned for the birth announcement!
Michael and April and it’s a boy!
Asher Turns 5!
Watch Abram and Kristin find out they are pregnant with Asher
He is the first born child of Abram and Kristan. We have the very special moment that they heard the news that they were pregnant with this special blessing~
“When we found out we were pregnant, we were elated, but little did we know how much our lives would be changing the moment Asher entered our world five years ago. He is active, constantly creating and imagining and building something with paper and tape, and he’s incredibly outgoing and social, always trying to learn all he can about people and the world around him. Inside this mud-puddle-stomping, insect-adoring, rough-and-tumble little guy, there is the softest heart that can always tell when anyone is feeling the least bit sad, as he never fails to run to their rescue. He asks the deepest questions and has such a passion for life, faith, family, and learning. He wants to be an astronaut to Mars someday, and we don’t doubt he could be one if he tried. We cannot imagine a world without our little guy. Since his birth, we have been blessed with three other miracles, all girls, and all conceived naturally. Despite his initial misgivings about gaining yet another little sister this year, Asher has become loyal protector, best friend, comforter, teacher, and playmate to all of his sisters. Whether adopted as an embryo or conceived naturally, our children are our greatest blessings this side of Heaven. Our lives are all the richer because of the existence of each of these precious little ones.”
Kristin and Abram
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
This little fashionista is making the most of it!
Embryo adoption brings joy and hope to struggling couples. Every baby gives us hope for the future!