Betty Lorraine: A first Baby!

Betty Lorraine

Betty Lorraine: A first Baby!


Betty Lorraine was born on September 22, 2017. I had the wonderful opportunity to go and visit the new mom and dad, Meggan and Gaylord, as well as meet Betty and Grandma Jill, in Tacoma, Washington. Betty is a first grand baby for Jill, and a first born to Meggan and Gaylord.

Betty Lorraine and Meggan

“Betty Lorraine was born September 22 at 1:33 am, in Tacoma, WA, to Meggan and Gaylord. She weighs 6 lbs 8 ounces and is 19.5 inches long.” Meggan and Gaylord – The proud parents

Betty Lorraine with Family

It is always special for me to meet the grandmas. I know how much this baby means to them. They have usually been praying for years for their own children to be able to have a baby, and sometimes, the road is long, and filled with tears. The day I go and meet a new family, and also meet the grandparents, I know some very special prayers have been answered. It touches my heart, how God can heal an entire family through the first cries of a new born baby, long awaited and now safe in the loving arms of a loving mom and dad. Wow, just wow. There is nothing more profoundly life changing than being a witness to the love and grace of God. –Maria Lancaster

Betty Lorraine with Mommy

Meggan, Gaylord & Betty

Meggan and Gaylord have suffered many losses during their seven year marriage including three attempted foster care adoptions. It is amazing how those trying times led this miracle.

Betty Lorraine as a Newborn


We have recently been approved by the IRS as a charity and we are now able to receive tax deductible donations that fund some great things we do here at Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park. This will enable us to build new web sites, provide educational training and materials, and subsidize no or low fee re-matching. Here is a link for your donation:

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You can contact or call us at: 1-888-959-7712

Maria Lancaster
Co-founder & President
Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park, Inc.