16 Jan Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park celebrates “The Gift of Life” movie release
The Gift of Life Movie – Narrated by Mike Huckabee
West Coast Premiere
Sunday – January 22nd
@ 6:00 PM
Cedar Park Church-Bothell
Pastor Joe Fuiten
More more info about Cedar Park Church
See more about the Gift of Life movie HERE
Jeff, Elisha and Maria Lancaster are in the movie, including the story of Elisha’s miracle birth, as well as other stories that will be sure to inspire you! We look forward to seeing you. Bring your friends and family for a great evening together.
Happy New Year!
We are off to a great start for 2012!
A word from the EASCP director….
I thought you would all enjoy learning about all of our great staff, and team that make Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park a joy to be part of. It takes a dedicated team, and we do have one! We are so grateful for the last three years, and the born babies as the result of this ministry. Each born child is a miracle! It’s impossible to not enjoy the “miracle business”. Jesus enjoyed the miracles He was part of, to be sure. We are full of joy, happiness, and wonder, for “His works are marvelous”. We thank each one of you that have prayed for us, and this ministry. Prayer, above all things, makes things happen, that in the natural would never happen. Our born children are fruit on your vine, we are so thankful for friends like you!
Maria D. Lancaster
Executive Director
Science News – Our Babies Can Heal Us!
January 4, 2012
Writer Jena Pinctott explores this relationship in her October 2011 book “Do Chocolate Lovers Have Sweeter Babies?: The Surprising Science of Pregnancy.”Science has been studying the phenomena of fetal cell microchimerism for more than 30 years, after researchers at Stanford University were shocked in 1979 to discover a pregnant mother’s blood containing cells with Y sex chromosomes. Since women only have X chromosomes, they concluded that the cells must have entered into her body from the male baby she carried within her.
Drawing on studies in biology, reproductive genetics, and epigenetics, Pincott outlined in her book what science has learned since the Stanford discovery.
“During pregnancy,” she wrote, “cells sneak across the placenta in both directions. The fetus’s cells enter his mother, and the mother’s cells enter the fetus.”
Scientists have discovered, she said, that a baby’s fetal cells show up more often in a mother’s healthy breast tissue and less often in a woman who has breast cancer (43 versus 14 percent).
Pinctott pointed out that as the quantity of fetal cells in a autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis decreases. She called the evidence “tantalizing” that fetal cells may offer the mother increased resistance to certain diseases.
One kind of fetal cells that enter into the mother’s body is the baby’s stem cells. Stem cells have what Pinctott calls “magical properties” in that they can “morph” into other types of cells through a process called differentiation. The baby’s fetal stem cells can actually become the mother’s own cells that make up her liver, heart, or brain.
In what any ethicist might declare to be legitimate ’embryonic stem cell therapy,’ the baby’s fetal stem cells migrate to the mother’s injured sites and offer themselves as a healing remedy, becoming part of the mother’s very body. Pinctott writes that such cells have been found in “diseased thyroid and liver tissue and have turned themselves into thyroid and liver cells respectively.”
Pinctott calls the evidence “striking” that fetal cells “repair and rejuvenate moms.” Genetics specialist Dr. Kirby Johnson of Tufts Medical Center, Boston, and professor Carol Artlett, a researcher at Philadelphia’s Thomas Jefferson University, back up Pinctott’s ideas. Their research shows that when a woman becomes pregnant she acquires an army of protective cells – what might be called a gift from her child – that remains with her for decades, perhaps till the end of her life.
Johnson and Artlett spoke to NPR’s Robert Krulwich in a 2006 interview. In their research, Johnson found that a teaspoon of blood from a pregnant mother contained “dozens, perhaps even hundreds of cells… from the baby.” Science has shown that at the end of a mother’s pregnancy, up to 6 percent of the DNA in her blood plasma comes from her baby.
“One would expect them [the fetal cells in the mother’s body] to be attacked fairly rapidly. You would expect them to be cleared within hours, if not days. What we found is that that is not the case, not anywhere near the case,” Johnson said.
Artlett pointed out that even if a woman miscarries or deliberately aborts her child, the cells of the unborn child nonetheless remain with the mother, even for decades.
Both Johnson and Artlett defend the hypothesis that the baby’s fetal cells have a beneficent purpose, not to hurt the mother, but to protect, defend, and repair her for the rest of her life, especially when she becomes seriously ill.
“There’s a lot of evidence now starting to come out that these cells may actually be repairing tissue,” said Artlett.
During the interview, Johnson told the story of one woman who was admitted into a Boston hospital with symptoms of hepatitis. She was an intravenous drug user with five pregnancies on record: one birth, two miscarriages, and two abortions. Johnson speculated that she would be carrying a lot of fetal cells.
In the process of examining her, the medical team performed a liver biopsy. A sample of her liver was sent to a lab to see if any fetal cells had congregated in the diseased area of her liver. What they found surprised them.
“We found hundreds… and hundreds of fetal cells,” said Johnson, adding that they saw “literally sheets of cells, whole areas that seemed to be normal.”
Scientists are still trying to determine what causes the baby’s cells to work with the mother’s body in such a synergetic fashion.
Pinctott wonders how many people have left their DNA in a mother’s body. “Any baby we’ve ever conceived,” she concludes.
Pinctott sees something “beautiful” in this. “Long post postpartum, we mothers continue to carry our children, at least in a sense. Our babies become part of us, just as we are a part of them. The barriers have broken down; the lines are no longer fixed.”
Perhaps it is not at all poetic to say along with Pinctott that a baby lives a lifetime in a mother’s heart and mind.
Meet Our Team!
Embryo Adoption Service of Cedar Park (EASCP)
Pastor Joe is a champion for embryo adoption, and a friend to families that struggle with infertility. He is passionate about the embryos that remain in cryopreservation, and also knows that a loving family can be the answer to the problem!
Joe Fuiten, President & Co-founder
This is a recent photo of Jeff, my husband, and I at the premiere of The Gift of Life movie, in Des Moines, Iowa. Jeff is our “admin guy” when we have special projects. His real claim to fame, is being
the “Daddy” of our precious daughter, Elisha. Jeff also heard Dr. Dobson talking about embryo adoption, came home and said, “That’s what we are supposed to do!”
Jeff and Maria Lancaster
Maria-Executive Director
Co-founder EASCP
Heather is a licensed social worker, and does our home studies, and evaluations. She flies all over the country for us, visiting homes where we place embryos! She has 20 years of experience, and our families really like working with her too! She is fast and affordable, something everyone appreciates.
Heather Basse, our social worker
Danille is our media liaison, and does a great with helping us with newsletters, major events, and, she is also a great photographer! She has been working with us and for us since “day one”. If you need something done, “Call Danille” is our motto. Her phone number is…. just kidding!
Danille Turissini, Media Relations
Allie heads up our outreach to families requiring help making their family profiles. Allie is very talented on the computer and with design. She is a blessing to families that need her kind of help, and encouragement. She and her husband have also adopted embryos!
Allie and Mic Schaffer, Family Portfolio Mentors
Colleen helps us with our copy editing. She and her husband Matt have helped us with our publications, and internet articles. Together, they have these adorable baby girls, adopted as embryos after being in the freezer for 10 years! Matt and Colleen live in Maryland.
Colleen D., Copy Editor
Sherry works at Disney in Florida, and has done a great job creating and designing our new web site. She is a delight to work with, with a good sense of humor, and an eye for details. She and her husband are also adopting embryos through Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park.
Sherry Grimm, Web Site Designer
Friedel is a great friend to our ministry, praying faithfully for us! She also makes and sends our portfolios to families that are interested in embryo adoption, or embryo donation. She is always cheerful, and the Joy of the Lord she brings, has encouraged us all.
Friedel Votava, “Portfolio Manager”
Tom is known to us as the “save the day” guy. When in doubt, “Call Tom”. He not only knows the IT answers, he knows what the questions are as well. Tom frequents coffee shops with lap top in tow, he is an Espresso, no milk kinda guy. 25 years in his field, he helps us with our “tech stuff” and all that it takes to be “at the top”. He is a good friend, “to boot”!
Tom Pratt -IS Tech, a.k.a. “the computer guy”
A sincere “Thank you!” to everyone on our team that made it all work this last year. More miracles are on the way too, all because of you!
The Gift of Life West Coast Movie Premiere
Sunday – January 22nd @ 6:00 PM
425-488-3600 Pastor Joe Fuiten
16300 112th Ave NE, Bothell, WA 98011
Jeff, Elisha and Maria Lancaster are in the movie, including the story of Elisha’s miracle birth.
We look forward to seeing at the movie!
Questions? 206-391-5042
One last thing….LISTEN to our December radio interviews with Carrie Abbott at The Legacy Institue
If you have the time, you will learn a lot. Carrie Abbott, President of “Legacy Out Loud” on AM630 KCIS is a great interviewer and we are so thrilled we were able to be on her show-check it out!
Carrie Abbott, President, The Legacy Institute
We look forward to seeing you at the Gift of Life movie premiere, narrated by Mike Huckabee. Cedar Park Church on Sunday night, January 22nd @ 6:00 pm!