18 Nov Happy 6th Anniversary for EASCP
Happy 6th Anniversary Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park
By Maria Lancaster, Co-founder/President
Our daughter Elisha Lancaster is now 11 years old. She is holding up the Seattle Times article she was in from November 2008. Elisha was the 36th child to be born in the nation via embryo adoption. She was the very first in Washington State. EASCP now has 36 born babies, and 6 babies on the way for 2015. What a miracle. We are grateful to all of our supporters over the years to see this all come to pass. Thank you!
Six years ago today Embryo Adoption Services was launched by Cedar Park Church and Pastor Joe Fuiten. My husband Jeff and I felt called to join them in the efforts, since our daughter Elisha was adopted as an embryo. She is a little miracle, having lived her first 4 years in the freezer. We know there were so many more children needing a loving home. We were also very acquainted with the pain and suffering of infertility. So, on November 8, 2008 we sent out a press release, and had a special service at Cedar Park Church to proclaim some great news for families and frozen embryos.
The next day, the Seattle Times called and sent a photographer to our farm and interviewed us about embryo adoption. I really had no idea how the whole story would be told. A few days later we were out going to breakfast and I stopped in my tracks when the headline in the paper box was “NEW LIFE” with Elisha on her horse in the front page! The Times also did a video for online readers.
The Times story went viral, and we began getting calls from all over the country. Dozens and dozens of babies have been born as the result of the efforts, and more on the way for 2015! A very special thank you to Cedar Park Church and Pastor Joe Fuiten for launching Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park. What an amazing journey it has been! Elisha is 11 now and she helps me in the office. She says she wants to do “embryo adoption” when she grows up. It is looking like that just may happen!
Congratulations to David and Elsa!
We are thrilled to announce the birth of Amy Elisabeth! Born in The Netherlands!
Congratulations to David and Elsa on the birth of their first child, and beautiful daughter.
“We are so happy to share with you the big news: on September 18th 2014 our beautiful daughter, Amy Elisabeth, was born. It is still hard to believe that we really are parents. We went through ten years of hope and disappointments, failed IVF’s and adoption procedures, cried so many tears, and almost gave up hope of ever becoming parents. Now we have this beautiful little girl in our arms. We are so grateful.”
-David and Elsa
David and Elsa with Amy Elisabeth
“There are no words to describe the joy we feel. She is a miracle from God, and we will be forever grateful to Him, Embryo Adoption Services and the donating family!”
-David and Elsa
Amy Elisebeth
This little girl spent about 6 years in the freezer before she was adopted by David and Else. It takes faith to believe for a baby through the miracle of embryo adoption. We believe that God has a plan for every embryo in the freezer, just like he orders the days and steps of each child conceived in the womb. Long before David and Elsa discovered they could not have children of their own, he set this one apart to be the daughter of David and Elsa. We don’t always understand how all of this works, because we can’t see what the Lord sees. He see our whole lives, from beginning to end. “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be”. Psalm 139:16
“I love you, mom!”
“I can tell they really like me.”
Life, is Beautiful!
Watch this inspiring and touching story of the power of a mother’s love. You will cry, because you can feel the tenderness of this mother has for her newborn child, born many weeks pre-mature. The baby lives, and his first birthday pictures are an poignant example of the triumph of life, over death.
Did you know that November is also National Adoption Month?
“This year, National Adoption Month focuses on “Promoting and Supporting Sibling Connections.” The theme pays tribute to the unique bond between siblings-it is the longest lasting relationship most people have, longer than the parent-child or spousal relationship. Over the last two decades, research has demonstrated the critical nature of sibling bonds and their importance for children’s development and emotional well-being”.
We SO agree with the research of the importance of the sibling relationship that we work hard to bring families into relationship with each other so that over time, the siblings born can also know about each other, and when possible have an active and open relationship with each other. Since it is in the best interest of the children, we work to this end in every way we can from correctly matching families, facilitating communications, and fostering loving relationships between placing and adopting families. We are devoted to this cause, and it is our highest achievement when this happens.
Left to right: Donor father, adopting mother, donor mother, adopting dad.
This family has an open adoption, and now this family enjoys each other’s company and shares time together. They like each other! The boy that was born, will now be able to know and love his older brother. This can happen, and be a beautiful experience for both families. This is a special family relationship and it is our hope that in time, all of our families will be able to have some type of contact for the sake of the children. In Some cases, it may not work and we understand that, too. We do what we can to see if it can work, for the children.
Hi Friends! Just a QUICK TIP!
My sister-in-law Sandy Scribner is an on location, natural light photographer creating beautiful custom images of children and families. She can come to your favorite place to take photos that will be a family keepsake. Great for you Christmas/Holidays cards!
Holiday Promo**Offering a 10% discount off the Creative Session if booked before 12/1/14. Images included! Greater Seattle area.
Sandy Scribner
Email: sandy@scribnerportraits.com
Phone: 425.501.9150
Website: ScribnerPortraits.com
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We wish all of our families and friends a very Happy Thanksgiving!