We want to wish you a wonderful day celebrating the founding of America with your friends and family today!
We are grateful in spite of many challenges, America is still a county of hope, for us, and our future generations!
We pray that God will heal our land and preserve America for the plans he has for our nation.

Simon John was born at 12:37pm on June 25th
He is 8 lb. 4 oz and 20.5″

“Our second and last little miracle embryo came into the world on June 25th to join his biological older sister. He had a nuchal cord that caused him a Code Pink medical emergency. After three minutes of not breathing, the NICU team performed a neonatal resuscitation and saved his life.
~ Josh and Emily
Proud parents


“We named him Simon, “God has heard.” God heard our prayers that our second embryo would take, and God heard our prayers in that delivery room. We are all home and doing well.”

Simon John was born at 12:37pm on June 25. He is 8 lb 4 oz and 20.5″

Get more info HERE

Now there is a happy big sister!

We had a family visit with Scott, Karen and Scottie
in Idaho yesterday, July 3rd!

Meeting Scottie James!

Yesterday Scottie’s parents were in the Boise, Idaho area where we live and we had the chance to meet them and their embryo adopted son for the first time! This photo is of Scottie and my daughter Elisha, now 18 and a high school graduate, also adopted as an embryo in 2002.
~Maria Lancaster EASCP CEO

Our website

We have always had horses, ever since I bought my first one at age 14. Scottie also shares a love of horses, and his mom Karen, has started her own therapeutic riding program for kids in her home state of Michigan. Yesterday we shared some watermelon, horse stories and love out at our barn at Aspenbreak Stable, in Kuna, Idaho.
It was a lot of fun for all. Scottie and Elisha hit is off and we are so grateful to be able to meet our embryo adoption families!

We met with Peter, Susan and Phoebe
in Snoqualmie, WA last Friday, July 1st

Meeting Phoebe!

On Friday, July 1st I was up in Snoqualmie, WA. We have a farm there and I was able to meet Phoebe for the first time. She is 27 months old and the embryo adopted daughter of Peter and Susan.

Peter and Susan also live in WA and I have met them, but not Phoebe. She is a sweet little angel and was brave enough to give me little handshake!

The Doll House Story

When our daughter Elisha was a baby my friend Vivian Zoller gave us this doll house. Her husband made it for their daughters. Even their grandkids outgrew it, and it was lovingly passed on to Elisha. Well Elisha has also outgrown it and she’s off to college!
So last Friday the completely furnished mini mansion was passed to Phoebe. We know her children and grandchildren will also share and love it like we did! ~Maria Lancaster

How you can get more info, HERE

July 2022 Medical Moment
Is a natural (unmedicated) transfer right for you?

Frozen embryo transfers are an option, as opposed to a medicated cycle which includes hormone shots.

It is necessary for the woman to have this discussion with her doctor about whether this is right for her, her body, and if her clinic is open everyday as the “right day” for transfer could be on a weekend.

Here is a quote from the journal article we have included:

“These findings suggest that although both FET protocols are equally effective in terms of pregnancy outcomes in women with regular menstrual cycles, NC-FET is more favorable because it requires no medication, has no adverse events, and has a significant cost reduction.”

Read all about it:

Link to journal article

We have many different ethnicities to adopt!

Contact us with your questions! We have embryos from may different ethnicities and cultures. I will be happy to visit with you and get you more information.


22 babies on the way for 2022 so far!

Give us a call 1-888-959-7712

Fundraising for your embryo adoption!

Raise $ For Your Embryo Adoption : )

We wanted to point out that through our Miracle Embryo Foundation you, your family or friends can make a donation to this foundation and all of the proceeds can apply towards your adoption fees. This is a tax-deductible donation. All that needs to be done is note your name on the donation!

You can forward this email to your loved ones and ask them to help you build your family.

If you have any questions email me:


Make a tax deductible donation

Checks can also be mailed to:
The Miracle Embryo Foundation
Att: Maria Lancaster
Box 1248, Nampa, ID 83653

The Bridge Project – Connecting Families

Making connections
with your family!

We are helping families to connect with each other through this project. Both adopting and donating families have been set up with personal Sharefile folders so all updates can be shared and saved. Questions?
Email me:


You can support
The Bridge Project!

If you are interested in making a tax deductible donation to support The Bridge Project, you may donate to our foundation, The Miracle Embryo Foundation that directly supports this heart touching and relationship building work.

Make a Donation HERE


Start a Word Doc.

  1. Write your letter or note to your family, stating Dear Bob and Sue etc.
  2. Insert your photos, if you have them, into the Word Doc.
  3. Name your masterpiece and save it: Joey’s first birthday for Bob & Sue

Email your update to: maria@adoptembryos.org

We will take care of the rest by adding these updates to your adopter or donor Sharefile folder for them to see. They will be notified by Sharefile that they have updates! People love updates, and we love to pass them on!

Maria Lancaster, President Co-founder
Questions? Call us: 888-959-7712

Now You Can Apply On-line!



Call us with any questions you have 1-888-959-7712

We do not have a waiting list!
You can also support our foundation: