Happy New Year! LINKS to lots of EASCP NEWS!

Asher and Abram

Happy New Year! LINKS to lots of EASCP NEWS!


We wanted to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year in 2015! A new year is ahead, and there is sure to be challenges and triumphs. We hope 2015 is your best year yet, and we look forward to sharing the joys of the miracle births of 2015! Keep a lookout for our monthly newsletters!

-Maria Lancaster

We were in the NEWS with Carrie Abbott!

Maria Lancaster interviews with Carrie Abbott about embryo adoption!

Visit the Carrie Abbot website

Carrie Abbott

More great new about embryo adoption:

CBS News story about embryo adoption Click HERE


Maria D. Lancaster, Co-Founder & President
206-391-5042 Direct

Maria and Husband Jeff LancasterHappy New Year Fireworks

Jeff and Maria Lancaster

We wish you a wonderful 2015!