19 Sep It was a BIG BOY Summer
Our Congratulations to Rick and Christina of New York!
Rick and Christina with Elijah Samuel and Owen Fletcher
15 more babies on the way, too. Enjoy the pictures. Lots of joy!
“We are so excited to introduce to the world our two miracle sons, born on May 24th, 2015: Elijah (My God is Jehovah) Samuel and Owen (Young warrior) Fletcher. After eight years of trying to start a family, Owen and Eli are true testament to the prayers of many faithful people. They are reminders that God always keeps His promises! We are so incredibly grateful to Maria and her guidance through our entire embryo adoption process. We thank God for our donor family, who selflessly gifted us with our children. How can we even begin to say thank you? We will continue to share our story and spread the word about embryo adoption. It has changed our life forever!”
-Rick and Christina
“I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.” Zechariah 9:12
Owen and Eli
Rick and Christina with Eli and Owen. Now the fun begins!
Congratulations to Karissa and Nat! Big Boy Jack arrived this summer
Karissa meeting Jack for the first time after being born
First breaths of life for Jack!
Jack and big sister and sibling Hannah
Sister Hannah, Dad Nat and the new guy, Jack.
“Jack was born June 15 at 1:26 am and weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. Big sisters Lexi and Hannah are thrilled and are being very helpful. He has very blond hair and blue eyes and is just adorable!”
-Karissa and Nat
This little man is a full sibling to Hannah, (pictured her with her brother) and both were adopted in the same embryo set. Being able to adopt a full set of remaining embryos means that having a sibling at a later time, can be possible!
This wonderful family has an open adoption with their donating family. This is a family photo, when Hannah was a baby. Open adoption, is an option! Sometimes families start out “semi-open” and over time, the relationship develops to a wonderful friendship and families “go open”. It’s a gift!
This is Joanne and David, the placing couple, with Karissa and Nat when Hannah was born. Pictured here with big sister Lexi. Jack has joined the family, another miracle child.
Twins for Angela and Tim!
Angela and Tim while Angela was pregnant.
Angela and Tim the day Greyson Thomas and Ronan James were born. Oh, happy day!
“God blessed us with our two little boys who were welcomed into the world on June 18th. Greyson Thomas – 5 lbs. 10 oz. @ 12:36am; and Ronan James – 5 lbs 7 oz. @ 12:37am. We were released from the hospital on June 21st as Ronan had to spend some time in the NICU. But we all came home together for Father’s Day! Everyone is doing great and we are so in love with our little men. Thank you everyone for all your love and support”.
-Angela and Tim
Greyson Thomas and Ronan James
A Special Note
Angela and Tim are both military veterans and served our county. Angela served in Iraq and Tim served in both Iraq, and Afghanistan. Thank you, Tim and Angela!
May these children be your double portion reward for serving our county, and each one of us, so selflessly and with courage and conviction.
May God Bless you and your new family!
We would love to hear from you and answer your questions!
Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park exists to help families struggling with infertility and also to assist families that have remaining embryos in the freezer. We are dedicated to bring families together for Life!
We hope reading the stories of these miracle boys born this summer will inspire you, and give you reason for hope. We are here to help you, and your family and friends that struggle with infertility, or struggle with the dilemma of having remaining embryos stored at the doctor’s office. Please share this newsletter if you know someone we may be able to assist.
Please pray for the 15 babies on the way, and their families. We all know it can be a stressful time in the lives of families that have been through so much, to have a family.
Thank you for your prayers!
Maria Lancaster
206-391-5042 Direct
“Everyone shall stand and confess the greatness of the miracle of God.. Everyone will realize what amazing things He does.” Psalm 64:9