Our EASTER BABY pics are IN! All babies adopted as embryos, now in loving families!

13 years in the freezer

Our EASTER BABY pics are IN! All babies adopted as embryos, now in loving families!

This little guy spent his first 13 years in the freezer before this loving couple adopted him. Congratulations dear friends on your first Easter with many more to come!

Searching for candy

There has got to be some candy in here somewhere!

William is looking a lot like Daddy!

William Douglas Family

What a difference a baby can make for a couple that yearns for a family. God bless you Matt, Laura and William Douglas. We are all so happy for you.

The Easter dress is a must for every girl!

Esther Hope

Every little girl needs a decent hat for Easter Sunday as well! Esther Hope, the Lord has a special plan for you!

Rachel Esther and Diony

Rachel, Esther & Diony Victorin.
God bless you all!

Hannah Noelle and her new Easter friend….

Lamb and Hannah

Both the lamb and Hannah are three months old!

Sweet Dreams Hannah

“Easter egg hunts are a lot of work, it’s nap time now” Sweet dreams Hannah!

Here’s another special guy! Jordan James Shelby.

Jordan James Easter

“This really is an Easter egg HUNT, where are they!?

Jordan James Socks

“My mom made me wear the socks, just so you know”.

The TWINS! Happy First Birthday…..Madigan and Campbell …………. and Happy Easter too!

Madigan and Campbell Easter

Campbell and Madigan, the dynamic duo! They are now officially one year old, after 10 years in the freezer!

Wonderful family portrait. The literal “double portion” of blessing! We are so proud of you, Matt & Collleen.

Collen and Matt and Twins

…and a little secret, Collen and Matt are pregnant by “surprise”, a miracle baby that was “impossible” to conceive on their own.
Colleen is due in August with a ? We will keep you posted!

Look what the Lord has done!

The Luce family

Haly Luce is enjoying her second Easter Sunday with her proud parents!

Luce - Tom and Stacy with Haly

Tom and Stacy with Haly.

Luce - Easter Eggs are a lot of fun

Easter Eggs are a lot of fun!

Luce - Let's find some more

“Let’s find some more!”

Luce - Good thing Mom has a basket for me

“Good thing Mom has a basket for me!”

Luce - Here's another one

Here’s another one!”

Easter Basket Scene

Easter at the Lancaster’s Jeff, Maria & Elisha

Longbranch Farm Fun!

Lancaster - Elisha into egg dying

Elisha really got into the egg dying business.

Lancaster - Dying eggs

Elisha was also adopted as a frozen embryo. She inspired us to start Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park! She is in the second grade, and just started piano lessons this week. She is so excited.

Lancaster - Easter decor

We decorated…..

Lancaster - Easter cake

Made an Easter cake…

Lancaster - Easter lily

We made sure we had an Easter lily. What would Easter be without one?

Beautiful spring meeting

It was a beautiful day for Easter!

I always love it when the sun comes out on Easter Sunday. The promise of spring, the warmth of the sun after the long winter is so refreshing. Best of all, Jesus is out of the tomb, giving us all hope in His Resurrection to bring New Life to every person that calls upon His name.

Every child adopted as a frozen embryo reminds us of the power of God to bring forth life where there was sorrow. All of these families, including ours have stories of real suffering while desiring and praying for children. Today is a great day to reflect on how the Lord brought forth all these children, in His time, for His plan, for every family. We rejoice and give thanks for his goodness, and His mercy.

Maria Lancaster
Executive Director
Embryo Adoption Services
of Cedar Park

Cross on a mountain