06 Jun New! Online Application
We know you are busy, and we wanted to make the process of applying easier for you! We are happy to say we have an abundance of embryos right now for matching, and we could have a match for you....
We know you are busy, and we wanted to make the process of applying easier for you! We are happy to say we have an abundance of embryos right now for matching, and we could have a match for you....
April 12th, 2018 9# 5 oz. 21.75” Embryo adoption brings families together for life!...
God does some amazing things! When the best way isn't the "normal" way! I was adopted into my current family almost two decades ago, so it would be natural to think that when it came to building my own family, I would not be as rigid on...
Greetings! This is Betty Lorraine, and she has captured our hearts on this Valentine's Day! She is getting close to 6 months old, and stealing the heart's of her parents, Meggan and Gaylord. Today is a fun and special day and we wanted to share this...
Greetings! It is January, and 2018 will see the stories of many children that are currently in cryopreservation. It gives us reason to work harder, pray more often, and look for the little hints and clues God gives us while we are matching families. Every embryo...
[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text]Greetings! Thanksgiving is a wonderful day, because of regardless of who we are in America, we celebrate, and reflect on all the goodness and blessings in our lives. We connect with family and friends, and we are grateful for...
Greetings! Today, November 8th, is the celebration of our 9th anniversary. We are really excited to share with you our news and to show off some babies! IT'S OUR 9TH ANNIVERSARY! We are celebrating our 9th anniversary this month! Below are some of our born babies from the...
Welcome to the world Caledonia Beatrice! Greetings! Miss Callie is a special girl! Her new parents were able to find, and be matched with embryos in Barbados. They flew there, had the embryos transferred and they returned home, to await the news from their local doctor if...
Greetings! Betty Lorraine was born on September 22, 2017. I had the wonderful opportunity to go and visit the new mom and dad, Meggan and Gaylord, as well as meet Betty and Grandma Jill, in Tacoma, Washington. Betty is a first grand baby for Jill, and...
Greetings! Congratulations are in order for David and Else of The Netherlands! Their second born child arrived healthy and beautiful on August 17, 2017. Her older sister Amy was born September 14, 2014. No doubt they will cherish a life time of precious memories together with...
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